Gun Safety

NRA GUN SAFETY RULES At the NRA, firearm education and safety is paramount—that’s why we offer a variety of programs and services to promote the safe handling, use and storage of firearms. Whether you’re a parent in search of information about firearm safety in the home, a first-time gun owner, or an old pro looking […]
What are the disqualifiers for HandGun Ownership

New Features: Enhanced security feature requiring a registration code to unlock a user account or to recover a forgotten password. Applicants who are not aware of their registration code can find a link on the E-Gov site to request their registration code be sent to the email address associated with their E-Gov account. Qualified Handgun […]
US Department of Justice Charges 500+ Domestic Violence Firearm Cases in FY20

The Department of Justice has issues a press release concerning the over 500 domestic violence-related firearm cases charged during Fiscal Year 2020. Read the full statement on the website. “According to the CDC, data suggests that about one in six homicide victims are killed by an intimate partner,” said ATF Acting Director Lombardo…. “ATF is […]
SCOTUS Nomination Raises Critical Considerations for Firearm Prohibitions

At the time of this writing, President Trump has announced his selection for the seat on the Supreme Court of the United States left vacant by the passing of Justice Ginsburg. From preliminary reports it appears that the United States Senate is likely to approve the nomination, making this appointment inevitable. This writing does not […]